Yue Zhao
Avatar of Yue Zhao
Assistant Professor
Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA, USA

🍭 Recent Publications (2021-)

See my Google Scholar, DBLP, ORCID, and ResearchGate for the full publication list. Equal contribution; Corresponding author

Preprints & Working Papers

[w24e] DeepProtein: Deep Learning Library and Benchmark for Protein Sequence Learning, with Jiaqing Xie and Tianfan Fu. Accepted to 2024 NeurIPS Workshop on AI for New Drug Modalities. Spotlight Paper. Preprint.

[w24d] Artificial Intelligence-Aided Digital Twin Design: A Systematic Review, with Nan Hao, Yuangang Li, Kecheng Liu, Songtao Liu, Yingzhou Lu, Bohao Xu, Chenhao Li, Jintai Chen, Ling Yue, Tianfan Fu, Xiyang Hu, Xiao Wang. Preprint.

[w24c] GKAN: Graph Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks, with Mehrdad Kiamari, Mohammad Kiamari, Bhaskar Krishnamachari. Preprint.

[w24b] MetaOOD: Automatic Selection of OOD Detection Models, with Yuehan Qin, Yichi Zhang, Yi Nian, and Xueying Ding. Accepted to 2024 KDD Workshop on Resource-Efficient Learning for Knowledge Discovery. Best Paper. Preprint.

[w23i] NNG-Mix: Improving Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection with Pseudo-anomaly Generation, with Hao Dong, Gaëtan Frusque, Eleni Chatzi, Olga Fink. Preprint.

[w23a] Weakly Supervised Anomaly Detection: A Survey, with Minqi Jiang, Chaochuan Hou, Ao Zheng, Xiyang Hu, Songqiao Han, Hailiang Huang, Xiangnan He, Philip S. Yu. Preprint.

Conference Papers

Journal Papers